Check back frequently to see all the great happenings in specials at Mound View!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Composing for Halloween

In music we always look for ways to use the holidays/seasons as part of our learning. This week students are composing using pumpkins and the notes that they have been working on.

First Grade used their new rhythm notes Ta and Ta/di to compose patterns. They used the drums to play their patterns. Other grade levels used different pitch and rhythm notes to create their masterpieces.

Watch for these papers coming home with your student. Ask them to share their songs with you!  

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Internet safety

One of our units in fourth grade is Internet safety. Our students learn about and discuss ways to stay safe on the Internet. They then have the choice to make a poster or video demonstrating these strategies. 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Kindergarten Art

Kindergarten is in the process of creating their self portraits with emotion.  Stay tuned to see our final creations!

Bouncing with Good Behavior

The 3rd Grade students are enjoying a FREE DAY in physical education today with Mr. Chisholm! Classes earn this by moving forward on the good behavior chart! Keep showing such Great Character Mounders!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

3rd grade poster creations!

The third graders use Publisher to create a poster promoting reading. Here are some of our creations!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


4th graders working on teamwork in deciding which play to run in flag football! 

Friday, October 9, 2015

4th grade Art

Fourth graders are creating low relief sculpture using glue, tag board and aluminum!


The fourth graders are working on developing their typing skills. The state of Wisconsin asks that all fourth grade students type at a rate of 20 words per minute. We have a ways to go, but we're working hard to reach that standard. :)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Hop hop hop!

Kindergarten students are working on hopping in the gym!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Third grade Art

The third graders are creating a letter design inspired by the artist Joan Miro.  
Can you find the six types of line, along with organic and geometric shapes?

Specials Pride

Can't hide that Mounder Pride!

Homecoming Excitement

The third graders are ready for homecoming!! They're pretty sure their book characters are Mounder fans too...especially Pete the Cat =)
Go Mounders!!!!!!